Bloom has faded

The picture on the left reflects my current love life.  It started off really pretty and vibrant and then slowly the life got sucked out of it. 

I really wonder if a girl can be 'too nice'.  My mom described me as over-generous today, but what she meant was sucker. 

  When I enter a relationship I choose to believe what I'm told because it doesn't make sense to start doubting.  I keep my eyes open, but I actively choose to believe what he says until proven otherwise.  Does this make sense?  I feel it's the right approach.  Yet...

Long story short this guy says he's into me, but I don't see any action to support it.  He went away before Christmas and was gone for three weeks, I heard from him once and it wasn't on one of the BIG holiday days either. 

He's back but somehow he says his phone is broken and he can't hear on it, can only text.  Then texts stopped and I got a very short email which said "hey my babe! How are you?"  Really?  No contact and I get a "how are you" email? 

Everything that's happening tells me he's just not that into me.  He says otherwise.  I think my niceness is giving him too much benefit of doubt.  Can a girl be too nice?  Does he really crave bitch deep down, or maybe not even too deep down? 

Ex-boyfriend came back into my life over the holidays and says he ran because I was intimidating sexually.  Really?  Do men ever feel that?  Seems like BS to me.  He says he thought maybe I'd chase him after we broke up.  I told him I have way too much pride for chase and I think he regrets letting me go.  Why is it men always feel that after the fact?   Three ex-boyfriends contacted me over the holidays and ALL wanted to get back together.  The one I have is not that interested. 

I have no clue.  I really really don't. 

(the above  pic is from my new bathroom.  It's finally finished, just like my relationship. )