The article mentions a recent 2010 Barbara Walters interview with Oprah Winfrey in which Oprah mentions that she does not regret not having children. In the interview Oprah states, "I have not one regret about not having children." She further explained, "I could not have had this life and lived it with the level of intensity that is required to do this show the way it's done. I'd be one of those people that their kid's coming and saying, 'Mom, you've neglected me.'"
I am a woman who chooses to be "Childfree", however I am not sure what to make of this article, nor am I completely comfortable with the title of the article.
Does a Childfree philosophy really need to go mainstream? That seems to imply that it needs to be a movement of sorts and I'm not sure I agree. The article goes on to mention an increasing number of celebrities who have declared that they are Childfree. I'm not sure why we as an audience need to know that there are celebrities who are choosing to live their lives without children. Is that supposed to show us that being Childfree is cool? This seems to be the implication. I never once thought my desire to maintain a Childfree existence was cool or uncool, it's just the way I choose to live.
I understand that most likely it is the majority of the population who are in the "I want children" camp. I also know from personal experience that when I mention that I do not want children to the company I keep, they often think it strange of me. This does not mean that I feel oppressed by those who want children. I do think it is beneficial for those who want children to understand the reasons why some of us may not want children, however I do not think that there needs to be some kind of Childfree rebellion or Childfree revolution.
If a Childfree attitude really is to hit the mainstream, I do not feel encouraged by this occurance in any way. I do not feel the need to shout from the rooftops that I'm Childfree and proud of it. In fact it's not something I'm proud of nor am I ashamed of it.
I've read Childfree blogs and articles and the majority of them push the idea that having Children is a bad thing and that children are bad in general. Many of these articles also seem to imply, if you are Childfree you should make it your duty to share the news with everyone around you. I believe this gives Childfree philosophy a bad rap. I am in no way a baby-hater but I believe there are many Childfree individuals who are.
What I do find positive within some of the more healthy articles that I've read, is the encouragement to really think about why having children is desired. Sometimes I get the feeling that people don't always take the time to think WHY they want children. Is it just that biological pull? What else?
If Childfree philosophy becomes mainstream in anyway I would like it to promote thought and discussion rather than a foisted stance. One can only hope.