Or: to settle, or not to settle:
That is the question.
If we (I mean I) are going to make Shakespeare puns I might as well keep going… because we all know I have this memorized…
Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer
the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune,
or to take arms against a sea of troubles
and by opposing end them.
Do I fight for what I really want, even if what I really want only wants a part of me?
Am I to love one, while being with another, because the one I love doesn’t (or can’t) love me back?
Can you be in love when the other isn’t?
Is it really love if you’re the only one?
Although, it is he who loves least that holds all the power...
So, here I sit, powerless… powerless in one relationship, and the holder of it all in another.
Knowing one person can give you everything you've ever wanted, but won't, and another can give you most of what you want, and will, makes loving the first seem stupid, and staying with the second seem wrong.
What is more important: having love, or being loved?
Is it really better to be with someone who can and will love you back, even if you have stronger deeper feelings for another? Is it more selfish to stay than to leave? What decision do you make with both leave you wanting, when both are bad choices, when there is no better choice…?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all.