I really could get used to not working. I'm deliberately not pitching the biz in order to enjoy the summer. Mind you I don't think I'm going to drum up that much business because people aren't focused on future plans at this time of year, summer is a different head space.
My old workplace is doing a bit of a tailspin, as I knew they would be. I've been asked to come in and do some damage control with stakeholders. It's very frustrating to see clearly their errors and not have any authority to change them. Ah, c'est la vie, it's not mine to worry about. I'll do some clean-up and wait for the next time they need help. I'm willing, that's all I can be.

The picture on the left I took during last week's jaunt to the mountains. Can you see the Native American man? He's lying on his back and his full headdress is on, the trees are the feathers trailing down. It's a beautiful shot if I do say so myself. I have a pretty good eye and yesterday was asked to produce a full colour brochure for an organization because they'd seen a flyer I produced. I was surprised because this is not the area of expertise I have (at all). I said yes if the original producer couldn't do it this year. I'm freaked. It'll be a lot of hours, because I'm inexperienced, ones I can't charge for entirely, that said it'll be very good experience.