Today I went shopping for wardrobe for my porn shoots on Thursday. I bought some man clothes for Monty to wear...can't wait to punk him up! I also spotted a gorgeous dress that compliments the outfit I bought for that's one scene sorted! I also went into the fancy dress shop to look at masks...and got the guy in there to try them on for me hehe poor sod. It helped me choose one though, and I have a very freaky mask which I plan to use in a future porn shoot for my site...
Got stopped in town by a rather cute guy trying to get people to signup to his charity...I explained I wouldn't give out my bank details to a stranger on the street, but if he's reading this, I promise to signup online tonight ;o) hehe
It's been so bloody hot today! I sound like a typical Brit hehe. Just been out for a walk and am now camming on Adultwork if anyone wants to come play. The link as always is
Tina Marie xxx