There Are Only Two Kinds of Porn

Misogynist porn, and gay (male) porn.

I don't really believe that, I'm just trying to make a point.

It's curious to me the way some guys just assume you want to look at pictures of their dick. I don't mean when you'd rather be looking at family portraits or landscapes or something, but even when you're looking at porn. I can understand taking the benefit of the doubt when it's not clearly stated, but it's the people who don't even check that I don't understand. Why would a straight guy who's interested in girls want to look at gay porn?

I have nothing against different people with their different tastes, and I don't even mind a little intermingling. It's just that I would check first before I decided to show a girl a picture of my dick. Maybe she's only interested in other women. Maybe she doesn't like those kinds of pictures. I guess it's just the way I am. I like to research things and make sure my footing is solid before taking that first step. I see a lot of people who just barge in headfirst. Shoot first, ask questions later.

And though they might get tasked every so often when they barge through the wrong door, it also seems to be the case that they're more likely to get the things they want. After all, you can't get what you want if you don't ask for it, and sometimes you'll find it in places you wouldn't expect. Winning takes trial and error, and that involves quite a bit of error. Really I'm just envious of people who have that kind of confidence, that "go get it" attitude, and that resilience in the face of (potential) criticism.

On the other hand, I'm not like that, and I don't like the implication that there is only one type of personality you have to have if you want to get anywhere in life. (which seems to be the case - and I don't have it). So, being the person I am, I can't help wondering. What kind of a mindframe do you have to be in to go around soliciting random strangers with pictures of your dick, waiting to find out if they appreciate it by the tone of their reaction? Is that why so many people (especially girls) complain about how rude people (especially guys) are about sexuality? Because, I mean, if that's turning girls off of sexuality overall, that's really unfortunate. Because there is such a thing as a sensitive and caring sexuality. And it's not something that only females can possess.