Tina Marie: New leather pics & need ideas for porn shoot

I took some new photos tonight in my red leather dress. Have been getting alot of requests for leather/pvc/latex lately so this is in response to the people who have asked for it! I have latex outfits on the way too so keep an eye out...

Not long now before I shoot some porn, really looking forward to it. Am still thinking of what to do for the second scene so if anyone has any ideas they would like to throw in the pot then please do email me or leave a comment! My email address can be found on my website www.babeink.com I would love your input :o)

Couple more weeks to go until I stretch my ears another mm. At this rate I'll be upto about 8mm by Christmas :o)

I'm listening to some Guns N' Roses tonight and playing on cam, so if you fancy chilling and getting horny with me live, the address as usual is www.adultwork.com/babeink

Tina Marie xxx